by donacooper | Mar 8, 2011 | Puppies, Raising puppies, Small Dogs, Uncategorized
“Socialize Young Puppies Early” is a series of five articles. Please read all articles starting with this basic article. Be sure to see the bottom of this article for pictures of the oganic gardens where the dogs play. They are award winning gardens.... by donacooper | Jan 25, 2011 | Dog Health, Puppies, Raising puppies, Uncategorized
Young puppies leaving their mothers too early can have serious consequences as the pups gain maturity. We have stated a number of times that puppies should not be taken away from their mothers before eight weeks of age, but why? Remember, dogs age quickly. Within... by donacooper | Jan 22, 2011 | Behavior Challenges, Canine Communicating, Dog Training, Raising puppies, Uncategorized
Before you read this, please read my first article, “Why Dogs Submissively Urinate?” Submissive urination is most common among younger dogs although it can be found in older dogs who have been abused, are afraid of punishment, loud voices or one that has... by donacooper | Jan 22, 2011 | Behavior Challenges, Canine Communicating, Raising puppies, Uncategorized
I received this question from Mindy. Hi Dona, My friend adopted a Dachshund and she is having trouble with submissive peeing. Almost every time they return home, the dog runs to greet them and instantly pees on the floor. I have told her everything I... by donacooper | Dec 19, 2010 | Puppies, Raising puppies, Small Dogs, Uncategorized
Puppies sleep most of the time during the Neonatal Period which covers from birth to two weeks of age. Although puppies are born blind and deaf, their senses of touch and scent are fair. It doesn’t take long before they are able to crawl and find the warmth of... by donacooper | Dec 12, 2010 | Puppies, Raising puppies, Uncategorized
The puppies have only been in this world for about two to three weeks now. But that first two weeks of life easily can be compared with an entire human infancy and that describes the rapid speed of puppy growth that is typical in the canine world. This particular...